Sunday, July 26, 2009

Transcript of Sunday Sharing

If I had to use one word to describe the trip, I would say “indescribable”. How would mere words be capable of describing the works of our almighty God? I have seen God work miracles, God answer prayers, and God do the seemingly impossible. I saw Him do this not only once, but countless times, over and over again. I can safely say that through this trip, God has not only changed the villages we served in, but God has changed me and each and every one of us members of the team. The mission team went to Taiwan with the VGM organization to run two bilingual camps, each with a different set of Taiwanese college students in different villages. Both villages had a Christian population of less than 1%, with many residents having strong anti-Christian beliefs. We intended to show God’s love though actions only, with minimal straightforward gospel sharing. We went out to plant seeds, in hopes that they would grow at later points in the students’ lives, but God blessed what we did and made some of those seeds sprout much earlier than we could have ever expected. The VGM program contains four days of actual camp, with and optional program on Saturday. The first four days were supposed to contain minimal gospel message sharing, but God had other plans. VGM strongly discourages public sharing in large group settings for fear of parental protest. If they occurred, the protests would forbid the church from ever being able to run the camp again. Yet, God wanted us to and we did and he rewarded us greatly. On the last Saturday’s altar call, I saw the most touching thing ever in my life. All my fellow co-workers were in tears as slowly, students began to raise their hands to turn their lives over to God. These were the same students who entered as strong opposers of Christianity, living in families, hostile to our beliefs. Yet, God can soften even the hardest hearts. There was one specific student of mine that stood out. She entered as a typical student, everything seemed normal. The first day, she protested lunch time prayers and also declared herself an adamant believer in the family's idol worship; unsurprising considering that was the mentality of most people there. Yet, as the week continued, God worked in her heart. She slowly opened up to us as she shared the family problems she faced, including the abuse and parental issues. She began to really take in what we said about God, that God loves each and every person. The last day, Saturday, after she received Christ, she remained at school long after everyone else had left. For more than an hour she stayed behind, talking to us. The week had been so powerful she didn’t want to leave, declaring it the best time of her life. She wasn’t the only one with those feelings. The Bible says that the angels in heaven would rejoice for every person that returned to God. Let’s just say that the angels were rejoicing for quite a while that day for the 15-20 students who received Christ. In this trip I have learned quite a bit about God and myself. He truly does answer prayers, whether it’s right away, or a long time in the future. He also requires humility when serving Him. When I lacked humility, God instilled it in me during this trip by making me sick. Most of all, God really does love each and every person and can turn even the most anti-Christian person back to Him. Just leaving Taiwan, the words of Jesus repeated over and over in my head, “It is finished,” but while the trip may be over, everything is not finished. What I have learned will stay with me back home and well there are more unbelievers in Taiwan, more unbelievers in the world.
If you would like a more detailed description of what we did in Taiwan, we kept a blog:
We’re still going to update it for a couple more weeks even though our trip is over, so keep checking. Thank you and please pray for the new Christians in Taiwan!

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