Tuesday, July 7, 2009

7/7 Picture of the Day

This is Rita, one of the members of our team. Ten points to anyone who sees the remarkable similarities between her and one of our beloved youth group members. To add to the similarities, she's extremely hyper, can't stop laughing all the time, and very loud. Today was the first day of camp, it was very interesting. The US team had to pretend the whole time we didn't know Chinese, of course, Sheen failed badly. A few of the little girls in Jason's group thought he was very handsome as well when they thought he couldn't understand them.


  1. Hahhaahahahahaha. Gee, I wonder who...could it be...that she (or he!) was referenced in an earlier entry...? xDDD Wow...wait, why did you have to pretend you guys didn't know Chinese? Hahaha that's pretty funny. =P

  2. If you pretend you don't know Chinese they'll try to use English because if they know you know Chinese they'll oftentimes try to just use Chinese instead of practicing their English.

    And she looks happy, yay :) And awww, Jason is handsome...Handsome Ham!

  3. hey~who wrote it= =
    can't stop laughing all the time, and very loud?!!!!!
