Wednesday, July 15, 2009

7/15 Reflections on the Beginning of the Second Camp

July 15

Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

First impressions really can be deceiving. Pretty much all that I initially thought about the local team and this camp were completely incorrect. Not only do I feel a lot more comfortable and welcome, I'm also beginning to really connect with a few of our local co-workers. Part of the reason this blog's getting updated less and less is because I'm spending a lot more time with them. Compared to last week's team, this team is different in that we bond through games. Pretty much after the students leave, a couple of the guys play some football together. Not only are our co-workers brilliant students from the best Taiwanese University, but they're also very atheletic. Some who've played football with me know how I throw and how far I can throw. I pretty much threw one as far and hard as I could and one of my teamates caught it in some rediculous fashion. There are also several baseball players here. Apparantly this region the team's serving in has some of the top baseball programs in the world. Some teams from this area have won world championships. For the first time in a long time, I am able to throw baseballs as hard as I want without fear of injuring someone. Here, I've learned that sports are pretty much a universal language where anyone can play together if they wish. Night free times are filled with card games. After the meetings, prayers, and worship, we sit around enjoying ourselves and the company of others through the use of playing cards. I really like it here right now as games and sports are pretty much a language I love. To sum it up, I really like this team, but what about the students we are here to teach? This area's pretty different and the program in turn has to be run slightly differently. The gospel cannot be shared during lessons, but lunch and non-school hours are fair game. I found it quite cool of God to allow one of my students to stay behind after class. My three partners and I spoke with him for half an hour after class on religion. He spoke about his family's idol worship, whereas I tried explaining the flaws of worshiping a non-living object and sharing about Jesus Christ. Somehow, God continuously prompted me to speak. Of all the Taiwanese partners I had around me, I did the talking. Looking back, I keep asking, "Why me God?" My Chinese is average at best and my knowledge of Chinese culture is mediocre, yet God wanted me to speak. For some reason, God wanted me; I guess it was to show His power so I could be constantly reminded that I am here only on God's strength. I am constantly in a sleep deprived state, yet the energy always comes when needed. When I have to speak, the words always come or a translator is always nearby. None of us here would ever be able to do anything alone. We'd all probably collapse from exaustion or be super frustrated at the lack of visible progress. Yet because the work here is all for the Lord, according to His plan, God always provides. I just pray that as we return from this wonderful place that we be able to continue trusting in God, even through the seemingly impossible. However, God is all powerful and nothing is impossible for Him. As we live through life, I ask that God would allow us to have the right mindset in everything, always thinking, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."


  1. hey josh it's karen
    yeah i'm still following the blog. i check it everyday.

    i'm proud of you. this post especially made me smile.
    still praying for you and your team!

  2. I like what you said about sports being a universal language... this entire blog is so inspiring to read. :)
