Monday, July 13, 2009

Because Josh threatened to throw me off the balcony...

Ugh. This is only my second post on this blog…Josh threatened to throw me off the balcony if I didn’t post...Anyways, I guess I’ll just write a super long essay about the last week…Hahaha...just kidding! But really sorry I haven’t posted much, but here it is:
So last week was cool. The camp was great, and the kids were really CUTE! I was telling Josh that my group of kids was really cute and stuff and he was like, “Why are you calling them cute? You do know that they’re only like 2 years younger than you…” Then I was like, “Yeah, well, all the girls from the first and second group were all saying how cute I was.” Then he just shrugged…haha. Yeah it was pretty awkward yet funny at the same time. I was in Group 2 with Jacob and Costco (real name Joseph). But for some reason every time I walked into Group 1’s classroom, a group of girls would come up to me and be like “你很可愛!”Yeah. Anyways, my group was really great, although they didn’t talk much, they were still pretty cooperative. It was really funny because we had to pretend that we couldn’t speak or understand Chinese. It was really hard. Josh, Jason, Sheen, and I were guessing who would fail first, and guess who? Sheen. It was also fun at the same time because we could understand what they were saying. The last day we have to perform something as a group. Our group danced Super Junior’s Sorry Sorry to Joy Joy Joy Joy. That week pasted by really fast, yet at the same time it was a long week. Maybe because we had a lot of activities planned. That’s basically it for the camp part of last week.
The rest of the time I was probably high off something, oh wait let me guess: Coke. Yeah I get high off Coke, something everyone now knows. Apparently, it happened to me even when I was little. Another weird thing: Vitamin B saps my energy. It was suppose to help raise your energy levels. But I guess I’m weird. Everyone was like, “Andrea don’t eat vitamin B!!!” But at that time it was really tired because the day before I slept at like 4am. So I was like one vitamin wouldn’t hurt. So I ate it. At that time Sheen was like,”Oh no, she’s going to be jumping off the walls!” Wrong. I just sat there. I became even more tired. That’s okay because Josh gave me COKE! Haha. Anyways, it was fun last week. I also spent half the time poking people, well, mostly Rita, but oh well. Funny, funny, funny. Leaving was really sad…): I cried in the car. Haha, not in front of everyone. Then I fell asleep for like 40 min, woke up to Jason poking me really hard…ow.
Yeah, ok I skipped a lot of events. But I’m going to talk about the new place. We are currently staying at the school because the church is too small to fit everyone. The school is pretty big, actually half of the school is new and the other half looks ancient. Girls sleep in the old looking part of the school, while the guys sleep in a classroom in the newer part of the school. Well, the girls have AC. Everyone sleeps on the floor. And there’s like one shower for everyone…everyone. Yeah, so I like wake up early to take a shower, when no one is awake. Oh, in the girl’s room there was a lizard running around the room and a cockroach apparently. Bugs are everywhere…there are beetles, huge spiders, red/black ants, moths, mosquitoes, and more. Aside from that I met my group and the new coworkers. I’m in Group 3 now with Jessie, Daniel, and Howie. The kids we’re teaching this week is older than last week. They’re only like a year or the same age as me! It’s kind of boring right now because we (STM) are already familiar with the program, and the other coworkers are not. So they are preparing and we’re just sitting around. The first day we basically just introduced ourselves, and they started working. We played a short game. Wasn’t very interesting. But for dinner we went to the Night Market. Jason, Josh, Sheen and I sat in the trunk. On the way to the Night Market, we saw like little jungles and forests in the middle of nowhere. It was really weird. Then there was this big land of nothing, then BAM a random, semi-Victorian house right in the center. Anyways we got there and I ate noodles, stinky tofu and grass jelly. We played a ring toss game, which we failed at. Actually Josh was pretty good. It was harder than it looked. We won this squeaky toy and a tiny doll…which no one wanted. Sheen broke the squeaky toy. We had so much free time…we (Josh, Jason, Sheen, and I) walked around the track and the school. The food is actually pretty good. (: Let’s see….oh yes, night time. I don’t really know why but the girls sleep SUPER early: 11pm. And the guys sleep at like 2am (according to Josh.) Well maybe 2 is a little late, but 11 is kind of early. So I would usually sit with someone and talk or star gaze (can’t star gaze by myself because I’m not allowed to be by myself at any time…except the bathroom.) That’s basically how I spend my night till like 12 or 1(oh right, I’m under a rule given by an annomyous person, that I have to sleep before 1:30am (: ) This morning I rolled over my phone and watch, which stabbed my back. I woke up to find my blanket somewhere else, and me laying on the watch and phone. Anyways, that’s basically it. I’m sure by the time the camp starts we’ll know this new group of coworkers better. Oh and for the record: I drank coke today! (Which Jason, Josh, and Sheen kept guarding me from…)
I hope this wasn’t too long…well…ok, maybe it was. I’ll write more later~


  1. did you guys take a video of the group dance?

  2. Hahahaaha "Sorry, Sorry"?! xDD That's pretty funny...sounds like you guys are having fun and serving God... superr awesome. ^^
