Thursday, July 9, 2009

7/9 Picture of the Day

Count the people sitting in the middle row. Fifteen points for the person who guesses correctly without reading the answer first. Well, first, the maximum occupancy of the van SHOULD be 8, with 2 in the front, 3 in the middle, and 3 in the back. Correct number of people who were in JUST the middle seats was 7. We somehow managed to fit 12 people in an 8 man van, without anyone in the truncks because they were full with Lazurus' tomb stones from one of the skits. In addition, we also drove right by a police station on our way home. Scary thing is, this is pretty typical and no one really minded that much, besides the incredible sweatiness experienced by anyone sitting in the middle row.


  1. Hahahaha you guys sure accomplished a great feat! ^^

  2. haha good job guys
    try sitting in the trunk once. thats also quite fun.

  3. Once Christina? Try every day....

  4. hahahahahahahahaha~~~~
    I can't stop laughing!!!
