Friday, May 1, 2009

VGM Taiwan Team 2009 - Introduction to VGM

    Taiwan is a country of various religious beliefs, mostly a combination of Buddhism and Taoism, folk religions which originated many generations ago. Because respecting family ancestry is highly valued, traditional worship is a strong root throughout Taiwan.  From a spiritual aspect, local beliefs occupy this island; the underground rotten roots make it impossible for gospel seeds to sprout.  It is the vision of Village Gospel Mission (VGM) to treat the roots and to improve the soil.

      VGM was founded in 1971 by an American missionary couple, which focuses on bringing the message of Christ to the local communities. Annually since 2002, Taiwan VGM holds week-long bilingual English camps in 10-15 different locations. At each camp, the team interacts with the students through English lessons, worship music, and other activities. It will also have an opportunity to build friendships with the students’ families and to be a channel of Christ’s love. When children are touched by His love, they can be effective witnesses to their families. In these bilingual camps, the team’s desire is to spread the gospel seed to the youth and bring them to know Christ. Six members from Home of Christ will make up this summer’s team.  

      Prior to the trip, we will meet regularly to strengthen unity and develop a stronger personal relationship with God. We not only want to change the students’ lives but we want our lives transformed as well. Preparation includes open group discussion, bible study, service learning projects, group bonding activities, and intensive training near our departure. We leave July 2 and return on July 21. Please pray for our team, the local co-workers, students, and their families. As Jesus said, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” --Matthew 9:37-38 

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