Sunday, May 17, 2009

6 more weeks...

I remember that day I met with Coral to hear her share about VGM. The more we shared, the more I felt this was an opportunity for me. Truthfully, I've never felt this excitement for serving on mission trip before. Although I still wonder whether I'm "good enough" for joining the team, I have to believe God is going to work awesome things through us this summer.

However, we cannot do this on our own. We need all your prayer support. It's going to be a real spiritual battle there. Satan hates when people share the Gospel and God's love, so he's going to try hard to distract us from doing His Work. In Sunday School class, I asked why there is so much opposition against Christian faith and not much of other religions. It is because Satan does not want people to come to know the Truth. We are His children; we are blessed and so "rich in Christ." In our mission trip, we want to share this love to the people.

Please pray that during these preparation weeks, each of us can have a stronger personal relationship with God so we can stand strong in hard times and to encourage one another.


1 comment:

  1. We'll be praying for you that God will do wonderful works through you and that you will see His glory and power.
